Dr. Kiera Brant-Birioukov

Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, Ridge Road Training and Consulting

Location: Toronto, ON
Email: kierabb@theridgeroad.com
Website: https://www.theridgeroad.com

Born and raised in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Dr. Kiera (Kaia’tano:ron) Brant-Birioukov is a Haudenosaunee educator, researcher, and writer. She is the co-founder of Ridge Road Training & Consulting, a Haudenosaunee educational consulting firm specializing in curriculum development, community engagement, and professional development facilitation. In her research and teaching, Kiera integrates academic rigor with Haudenosaunee ancestral knowledge, fostering meaningful and transformative learning experiences. She earned her MA at the University of Ottawa and her PhD at the University of British Columbia. As a mother, she is deeply committed to Kanyen’keha language revitalization and the repatriation of ancestral knowledges, histories, and stories. She currently resides in Toronto, ON.



Educational Action Research: A Pathway to Decolonizing Education