Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy in the field of Critical Policy, Equity, and Leadership Studies at the Faculty of Education, Western University
Katina Pollock, Ph. D., est professeure agrégée de leadership et de politique éducatifs dans le domaine des études critiques de politique, d’équité et de leadership à la Faculté d’éducation de l’Université Western.
Dr. Katina Pollock is Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy in the field of Critical Policy, Equity, and Leadership Studies at the Faculty of Education, Western University. The overall goal of Dr. Pollock’s research agenda is to support and improve public education systems; to this effect, her research focuses on supporting school leaders. Specifically, she concentrates on school leaders’ work intensification and well-being, policy development and implementation, and knowledge mobilization. Her research with colleagues has been supported by federal granting agencies, provincial governments, and professional associations. Her current SSHRC Insight Grants focus on secondary school principals’ work intensification (with Dr. Fei Wang) (2016–2023), and the relationship between policy and principals’ work, (with Dr. Laura Pinto and Dr. Sue Winton) (2015–2023). In addition to traditional scholarship, she has also taken on several leadership roles, such as Co-Director of the UCEA Centre for International Study of School Leadership (2011–2014), Director of the Western Centre for Education Leadership (2014–2018), and Co-Director of the Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research (KNAER) (2011–2018).
Francophone principals in linguistic minority schools encounter unique challenges because of the cultural and linguistic significance of francophone public school systems.
Listen to "Downtime for principals?" on Spreaker.With higher workloads, long hours, and increasing demands, principals' work is intensifying, threatening recruitment, retention, and job performance.
Les directions d’école francophones en milieu minoritaire font face à des défis uniques en raison de l'importance culturelle et linguistique des systèmes scolaires publics francophones pour leur collectivité.