Beyond Resilience: Systems that Support Wellbeing

Volume 63 | Issue 3


Leadership, Policy, Well-being

Systemic Approaches to Workplace Wellbeing

Indigenous Learning, School Community, Well-being

Exploring the Sacred Hoop

EdCan Network, Promising Practices, Well-being

A Focus on Staff Wellbeing

Promising Practices, School Community, Well-being

Fostering a Culture of Wellness

Policy, Research, Well-being

Educators and Workplace Mental Health


Beyond Resilience: Systems that Support Wellbeing

Supporting staff and student wellbeing has become an urgent imperative. Increased mental health problems in students and staff, and staffing shortages at all levels across the country due to illness, stress leave, or staff resignations, are just two indicators that many of our community members are not OK.

To create healthy, supportive school environments for all students and staff, we need to go beyond individual self-care practices and instead emphasize a collaborative, system-wide effort. But what changes will be most effective, and how can we put them into place? Some school districts are developing systemic approaches that could lead the way toward more positive workplaces.  In this edition of Education Canada, researchers and practitioners share their knowledge, their visions, and their practical recommendations to help us find the road to healthy, thriving school communities.


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